Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saving Malaysia for Malaysian (by us, Malaysian).

  When I watch movies like Pearl Harbour,Saving Private Ryan or mini series like Pacific,The Band of Brothers,they remind me how comfort we are living in this era. No war to think about,no one will lost their son in the battle. No Malaysian country man will go to war,yet. We only defend ourselves diplomatically.

  I'm not the one who really scared to scratch my dignity,but when its associated with dignity of my country,it's becomes sensitive. Lately,I have many reason for me to become sensitive. Border invasion by neighboring country,no respect for the people of Malaysia seems to be worsen by the people from other country.

  Am I too linent as a countryman? Or I being regarded as a coward until the issue of sovereignty can be question by our neighboring country? I understand that our government have a full capability to handle satuation like this,but we keep on losing  piece after piece of land to other country. We have to follow what other country want and not only me,many of Malaysian citizen regarded the deal as a bias deal. We are not in win-win satuation. I don't understand how our administrator apply their strategy to protect our country,to protect us as their citizen.

  When we give a shoot to look at ourselves on how people look at us,we can conclude "us" in many ways. People see Malaysia as unstable nation because we have many colors in our country. Many tradition to respect,many way to follow. This satuation spark a strong sense of Malaysian politics. We Malaysian,we are good in making stories,making joke and we attract to bad rumors. This is why we have a lot of well spoken politician,but when come to execution,they can not deliver. Malaysian politician,regardless which party they are in,they have the same attitude. Talk only,cannot work. Many people like to join politics in Malaysia because politician in Malaysia,they have capability to turn politics to money making machine. And production is huge.

  Corporate leaders, in majority, they don't have to be familiar with the companies nature of business and their field. The important matter to reach this position,we have to know how to please people. You please the right people,you go up. I rub your back,you rub my back. Performance will be number 10. This is why we need foreign people who we call them expatriates to make Malaysian company policy,the policy that will influence many of their workers who always suffer from under pay salary. We like to be a pen holder. We like to put signature which represent power. It always a go  for us to sign,even the terms and condition are WIN-win satuation. More win to the other side and less win to the people of Malaysia. But the bigger win must go to the pen holder and his cronies.

  Malaysian,they are all time,not under hard labor mood. They want to make an easier task,glam job. The job they can proud off. One more time,we call foreigners from the country with lower pay scale then us to come and work here as hard labor. They are cheap,they work hard,not much politics, they not intend to "naik pangkat". They are clean from all of that. What they want is salary. So they work here for 2 years and they went back to their country.

  So,where is Malaysian position in one company operating in Malaysia..? GLC or MNC or Public listed or even our own kitchen..? Where are we..? What I understand from daily life in Malaysia,we hanging at the middle. We cannot go up, because we believe that our knowledge is not sufficient enough to convince other Malaysian corporation leader to rub their back and we can't go down because we cannot do the unglamorous job. So we become an executive,receptionist,clerk,assistance to who and who or vice to who and who. We hope we can gain some experience from there,play a lot of politics and we can go up and hire more foreigners to do core executive work or basic hard labor work. In our kitchen,we need a maid. The maid that born and rise from other nation. We invite them come and live with us. We trust them with our children,with our food. Our children spend more time with them while we busy working with this corporation with foreign made policy. There goes the next Malaysian generation,rise in foreigners hand. I realize this. My 5 years old girl now speak more Bahasa Indonesia compare to Bahasa Malaysia. We're too dependent on other country to survive.

  We still looking for solution here,but we need to remember,solution always come when we want to make a little change on how we look at ourselves. Thats all, noting more than that...

Save Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. very nicely written blogs. do visit mine at
